
How To Make A Round Cake

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A collage with 4 images for making a cake

A collage with 4 images for making a cake

A collage with 4 images for making a cake

Yous'll love this quick and like shooting fish in a barrel tutorial to build a perfect layer block. I'll show you how to prepare the pans, level your cake and frost information technology too. Whether you're a beginner baker or a more than experienced bakery, there's always something new to larn.

A collage with 4 images for making a cake

I absolutely love making cakes. At that place's no doubtfulness near information technology, information technology's a labor of love, but at that place's nothing better than presenting that cake to family and friends.

If yous're a beginner baker, or new to making cakes, don't worry, I've been there likewise. Even though I took a cake decorating classes (over ten years ago!) it'due south taken me years of do and many cakes and I've learned these tips and tricks forth the mode. There are so many truly talented block decorators out there! I can't expect to share these tips with you lot in this step-by-step tutorial.

You can do this with a box of cake mix or using a recipe made from scratch. I do detect that cake mixes tin be difficult to work with because they're and then low-cal and fluffy, it can be difficult to frost them without the cakes falling apart. However, information technology's totally doable!

Permit's dive in.

A slice of vanilla cake with pink sprinkles on a gold polka dot plate

How to make a layer cake

In that location are several steps involved in making a layer block, I sympathise it can be overwhelming. Nevertheless, if you interruption it down one step at a time, it'south a lot easier to digest. Information technology's usually been a 2-twenty-four hours procedure for me. I bake the block layers first then gather and frost the next day. I don't like the rush of the decorating equally I am very meticulous with the details.

  • Prepare the recipe
  • Prepare and fill up the pans
  • Bake and Absurd
  • Level (torte) the cake
  • Stack, Assemble and frost
  • Decorate

I've gone into more than details for each step of the procedure below.

How to Prepare the pans for baking

Grease and flour your pans: generously grease and flouring the pans to forbid the cake from sticking. I prefer using Crisco vegetable spread as opposed to cooking spray, only if you merely accept cookie spray, definitely employ that.

Line the pans: lining the pans with parchment paper or a round silicone baking mats will ensure there'south the cakes don't stick to bottom of the pans, and it makes it much easier to become the cakes out of the pans.

Broil Even stripes: I dear using bake fifty-fifty stripes because information technology helps to broil the layers flatter. Without them, the edges of the cake broil quicker, forcing the centers to broil last, and therefore doming in the middle. You lot'll notice the outside edges of the cake are besides a footling darker without them. The bake even stripes should be Wet when apply them to the exterior edge of the pan.

An 8inch cake pan lined with a silpat baking liner

How long do I broil my layer cakes for?

Baking times volition always vary, and the time provided is a general guideline. This is affected past both the blazon of pans you're using and your individual oven. This is true for any broiled goods, not just block!

Not all layers bake for the same amount of fourth dimension, usually because the pans are non evenly filled. Information technology'due south always all-time if you can take the extra time to measure out the liquid concoction for each pan. Set up your timer for the minimum time suggested, bank check your block and add additional minutes as needed.

Know your oven. For instance, I take a hot spot in my oven, so I like to rotate my pans in the oven halfway through blistering to ensure the layer bake evenly.

How to level (torte) a cake

Torting or leveling a cake layer ways removing the dome on meridian of each layer so that you lot have a nice, flat surface to work with. This will prevent the layers from sliding effectually when stacked.

I happen to love my cake level tool, which helps ensure my layers are even. Otherwise using a serrated knife is best. Go eye level with your cake and cut as evenly every bit possible. It can exist difficult with a actually moist cake but be patient!

A collage of 4 images showing how to level a cake layer

How to gather and frost a layer cake

Once your block is baked, cooled, and leveled it's fourth dimension to frost. Evenly frosted layers and using a very stable frosting are two important factors in a stable layer cake. By following these simple steps, you can all the same frost beautiful cakes.

  • Stride one: Identify a dollop of frosting on a cake board or the plate that you lot're stacking your cake on. This helps to prevent the cake from sliding around. Place the bottom layer middle on the block board.
  • Step 2: Pipage a layer of frosting using a piping bag to ensure it's fifty-fifty (remember we want dainty, apartment layers!). Pipe from the exterior edge into the centre. You lot don't accept to utilise a pipe tip, yous tin snip off the end of the purse as well. Use an angled spatula to smoothen it out.
two side by side images showing how to frost and fill a layer cake
  • Step 3: Add your 2d (or tertiary) layer and repeat adding a layer of frosting in between. Ane you're ready for the acme layer, I recommend inventing it, and so the top of the block is the flattest it tin can be. You'll discover that volition leave some gaps into between the layers. Don't worry, we're going to gear up that.
  • Step 4: Make full in the gaps and add the crumb coat. A crumb coat is a sparse layer of frosting added prior to the final layer. The intention of the crumb coat is to option upwardly any loose crumbs so they don't go mixed into the last layer of frosting. Employ your pipe pocketbook to make full in those gaps and keep to spread it around to create the crumb coat. It's recommended to refrigerate the cake for 5-ten minutes to chill the crumb glaze. If you take whatsoever holes or gaps, fill them in with the pipe pocketbook and rescrape. The crumb coating is optional but recommended.
two side by side images showing how to frost a layer cake
  • Step 5: Add the final layer of frosting. Y'all tin can do this by hand, only I discover it'south easiest to go on to utilise a pipe bag fitting with a large open circular piping tip, or for larger cakes, I use my cake icer tip- merely note that this requires a lot of extra frosting.
  • Step 6: Scrape it evenly using a cake scraper or angled spatula at 90 degrees or perpendicular to your cake. It'south best to use a turntable to rotate the cake and hold the cake scraper still. You don't need to utilise a lot of pressure and you'll likely make a couple passes in order to get it nice and shine.
A cake scraper along the outside edge of a layer cake
  • Step 7: Frost the elevation using the remaining frosting. Continue to apply the scraper or angled spatula to remove any backlog frosting.
  • Stride 8: Decorate using extra frosting and so add together sprinkles, fruit or décor.
A gorgeous frosted cake with pink and white sprinkles

How to fix a leaning block

If you notice that your cake is sliding as you're assembling, you can try resetting it and placing it in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes.

One time the cake is fully stacked, I similar to use drinking straws or dowels to help hold the cake layers in identify (especially if information technology's 4 layers or more). Drinking straws are the easiest.

But cut them shorter than the height of your cake and use 3-4 spaced evenly in the cake. This is best done before adding the final layer of frosting on meridian so that you tin cover the holes from the straws.

Of course, be certain that you are starting with nice and even layers as mentioned above. You want to cut the dome off the top of your cake.

A wide angle shot showing you how to torte and level a cake

How to store a frosted cake

If you program on making multiple cakes, I recommend purchasing a cake carrier, which seals the cake with an closed lock. It can also be a groovy fashion to ship the cake. I place some grippy fabric (like you would line a drawer with) on the bottom of the cake carrier to prevent the block from sliding.

You can also buy block boxes but annotation these are not closed. Craft stores usually have them to buy single units, but I too buy them in ten-packs online.

Basic tools yous'll need

At that place are lots of fancy tools you could buy, just don't necessarily need. These are the bones tools I use and love all the time.

For the cake:

  • Block pans– I recommend having three 8-inch pans
  • Parchment circles or silicone mats– once I discovered the silicone mats, I stopped using parchment paper. You can also cut your ain parchment circles by tracing the width of the pan on piece of parchment paper and cutting information technology out.
  • Bake even stripes

To decorate the block:

  • Cake level
  • Cake board- I recommend using a cake board that is 1-2 inches wider than your cake.
  • Cake lifter– helpful for moving the layers around, simply not required!
  • Turntable
  • Big piping bags
  • Large open up round pipe tip or cake icer tip
  • Cake scraper – these come up in lots of heights and widths, different handles etc. Sometimes it takes time to find one y'all like, but it should be taller than the cake you're assembling.
  • Angled spatula these come in lots of heights, the ix or 13-inch ones I use the most.

Choosing the correct size pan

Virtually all my cake recipes call for 8-inch baking pans, which is a common size you lot'll find at a local bakery. Bakeries generally sell cakes in half dozen,viii,10 or 12-inch sizes. Be sure your pans should be ii to 3 inches loftier.

Usually, my cakes are 3 layers. Most recipes can be adapted to other size pans, and information technology's best to cheque on the private recipe. I like 8-inch pans because the cakes are usually taller than a 9-inch or 10-inch pan and it'south the easiest size to work with.

I don't love nine-inch pans. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but nigh standard 9-inch pans don't have straight edges on the sides of the pan, and so the layers stack unevenly and there'southward always big gaps in between. As such, I notice that by 9-inch layers are always lopsided and unevenly baked.

A slice of vanilla cake with pink sprinkles

My favorite cake recipes

  • Moist Vanilla Layer Cake
  • The Best Chocolate Cake
  • Classic Yellowish Altogether Cake
  • Lemon Blueberry Block
  • Strawberry Mascarpone Block
  • Coconut Custard Cake

My favorite frosting recipes

  • Perfect Vanilla Frosting
  • The All-time Chocolate Frosting
  • Cream Cheese Frosting
  • Mascarpone Whipped Cream
  • Whipped Cream Frosting

More baking tutorials yous'll dear

  • How to Make Buttercream
  • How to to use a piping purse
  • How to decorate with piping tips
  • How to colour buttercream
  • How to decorate a Buttercream Flower Block
A gorgeous frosted cake with pink and white sprinkles

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A gorgeous 2 layer vanilla cake on a pink cake stand with a slice cut out

Vanilla Layer Cake

  • Writer: Julianne Dell
  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Melt Time: thirty minutes
  • Full Fourth dimension: sixty minutes
  • Yield: 12 slices


With this easy tutorial you lot'll larn to build a perfect layer block. I'll show you how to gear up the pans, level your cake and frost it too.


For the cake:

  • 2 cup s (380g) granulated sugar
  • ½ cup  (118 ml) vegetable oil
  • three  large eggs
  • one tablespoon  (14.viii ml) pure vanilla excerpt
  • ½ cup  (118 ml) light sour cream
  • two ½ loving cup due south (350 g) all-purpose flour
  • 3 teaspoon s (eleven.ii 1000) baking powder
  • i teaspoon  (5 g) salt
  • i ¼ cup southward (296 ml) milk (I use nonfat)

For the frosting

  • 1 1/2 cup  (339 thousand) (iii sticks) unsalted butter, cold.
  • 5 loving cup s (650 g) powdered carbohydrate
  • ii 1/2 teaspoon s (12 ml) pure vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoon southward (30ml) heavy whipping cream (or milk)


  1. For the cake:Preheat the oven to 350°F. Prepare two 8-inch round blistering pans, line the bottom with parchment newspaper and grease the sides. Set your bake even strips if desired.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla extract. Beat on medium speed until the eggs and oil are well incorporated and the batter is lighter in color, well-nigh 2 minutes. Scrape down the bowl equally needed.
  3. Next mix in the sour cream and beat out until well combined.
  4. Combine the dry ingredients in a split up basin. Add together one-half the dry out ingredients, crush on low speed while pouring in one-half of the milk. Mix just until the flour starts to comprise.
  5. Finally add the remaining dry ingredients, mixing on low speed while pouring in the remaining milk and beating until all of the ingredients are well combined. Utilise a spatula to scrape downwards the sides of the bowl and stir the batter from the bottom to the elevation to ensure it's well mixed.
  6. Divide the batter evenly betwixt the pans, near 2 1/2 cups per each pan. Bake at 350°F for 28-32 minutes. Rotate your pans in the oven halfway through baking.
  7. Test the cake for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center of the block. If the toothpick comes out clean, you cake is done. Remove from the oven and allow to absurd completely.
  8. For the frosting:Cut butter into pieces. Using the paddle attachment, whip the butter for five-vii minutes, scraping down the basin occasionally. Crush until the butter looks calorie-free in color.
  9. Add the powdered carbohydrate 2 cups at a time, alternating in the liquid ingredients (heavy cream and vanilla). Mix on low speed until incorporated into butter so add the vanilla extract and mix to combine. Beat for about 60-90 seconds before calculation boosted powdered sugar.
  10. Once all the ingredients have been added, increment speed to medium-high and vanquish for another three-v minutes to whip additional air into the frosting.
  11. To gather the cake,use a block leveler to cutting the domes off the top of the cake. Identify a dollop of frosting on your block lath and place the bottom layer of cake on meridian of that.
  12. Place about 2 cups of frosting in a large piping purse fitted with a large open circular tip, or but cut off the end of the piping bag. Pipe a layer of frosting on top of the block, starting at the outside border and working your way into the center. Spread evenly with an offset spatula. Place the side by side layer on top.
  13. Use your piping bag to fill in whatsoever gaps between your layers and to create a crumb coat. Using an offset spatula or icing smoother, wipe away the excess frosting, leaving you just enough to glaze the outside of the cake. Do non mix your crumb coating frosting back into your icing if it has cake debris in it.
  14. Go on to frost the elevation and sides of the cake using your offset spatula. One time the sides of the block are covered, employ you icing smoother to remove whatever excess frosting.


Sour cream substitute: Sour cream helps keeps these cupcakes very moist, I exercise non recommend omitting it. Substitute with with non-fat Greek Yogurt if you practise non have sour cream. Full-fatty sour cream is also workable, but I prefer depression-fat or fat-gratuitous.

To make this as a unmarried layer, delight run into my other vanilla block recipe.

This frosting is for a ii layer block. The frosting recipe would demand to be adjusted if you are making adjustments to the size of the pans or number of layers.

Baking pan substitutes:

  • For two nine-inch cakes, they baked from 28-32 minutes. Baking times will vary due to how full the pans are, blazon of pans and true oven temperature. Please annotation these did "crust" a little more on the outside edge due to extended baking times and they rose quite a seize with teeth in the heart, so you'll lose more than of the "dome" of the block.
  • For three 8-inch pans: divide the batter evenly, nearly one 2/3 cups per each pan. Bake for xx-23 minutes. Meet my Moist Vanilla Layer Cake for more details.
  • For 6-inch pans:a full recipe will brand 4 6-inch layers, filling each i with almost i 1/3 cup of batter and blistering for approximately 24-30 minutes.
  • For 10 inch pans:I've never tested this with x inch pans, merely I would recommend a ii layer cake so y'all notwithstanding have squeamish, thick layers. Trying baking for 18-20 minutes and assessing additional time needed from at that place.

Nutrition Information:

one slice










  • Category: Block
  • Method: Baked
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: Vanilla Cake, Vanilla Block from Scratch, Easy Vanilla Cake Recipe, Altogether cake Recipe, Easy cake recipe with oil, How to make a cake

How To Make A Round Cake,


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