
How To Make Edible Cake Batter

This easy edible cookie dough recipe is the perfect sweet treat! Eggless cookie dough with heat-treated flour makes it safe for everyone to eat! |

This easy edible cookie dough recipe is the perfect sweet treat! Eggless cookie dough with rut-treated flour makes it prophylactic for everyone to eat.

Overhead photo of cookie dough in a bowl and a spoonful of cookie dough on the side.

Information technology's pretty much been all cakes effectually hither lately, because they are truly my fave to make and share, but I would be remiss not to share with you my very favorite (and easy to make) indulgence — Edible Cookie Dough!

I used to buy the Pilsbury logs of cookie dough in an effort to get my set, but there is actually nothing amend than a homemade version. Plus my version is completely safety to consume, so you don't take to worry about whatever potential risks in eating the dough.

This Edible Cookie Dough mail is your one stop store for everything you need to know about:

  • How to make cookie dough prophylactic to eat
  • How to convert any cookie dough recipe into an edible cookie dough
  • How to shop and serve edible cookie dough for all-time results

Plus, I'll share my favorite flavor pairings for various types of cookie dough. Read on!

Cookie dough on a spoon.

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Is Raw Flour Rubber to Eat?

Let's be honest here, who hasn't indulged in a bite of raw cookie dough or a lick of raw cake batter? Heck, I still do it with every single block and cookie I make. I bet most of you practice the aforementioned, and haven't had any ill furnishings (that yous've noticed, anyhow). Are the chances loftier that yous'll get sick from eating raw dough or concoction? Probably not, but why take the chance??

Do as I say, not as I do, people.

The reality is that eating raw flour is just equally risky every bit eating raw eggs. Raw flour can carry E. coli, and that's just not something you desire to chance having in your system.

In a bowl with a blue cloth beside.

So, how do nosotros make raw cookie dough safe to eat??

  1. Don't use eggs
  2. Heat-treat the flour

Raw eggs can bear salmonella, and raw flour can conduct E. coli. You lot tin can read more about the dangers here.

Both salmonella and E.coli can be deadly, and at the very least could make you very sick. Why risk it when information technology's so like shooting fish in a barrel to make a rubber, edible version?

At present, you could use pasteurized eggs that have been treated to kill bacteria, but unless you lot're ingesting eggs for some kind of health do good, I don't see why you'd carp. Seeing as how this is a recipe for raw cookie dough, I'm gonna gauge wellness is non super high on your radar.

In place of the eggs, because the cookie dough may need some wet in there, nosotros add a bit of milk. That is pretty self-explanatory, then allow's talk most heat-treating the flour.

Uncooked flour spread out on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

How to Heat Treat Flour

Rut-treating the flour helps to kill any residuum bacteria that may be present. It'due south fairly easy to practise, albeit a tad messy. I suggest lining a baking sheet with parchment paper that overhangs slightly to assistance with the process.

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F.
  2. Line a blistering sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Spread flour evenly on baking sheet.
  4. Bake for 5-10mins.
  5. Remove from oven and cool before use.*

* I say 5-ten mins considering ovens vary. You don't want the flour to start turning brown, just you want to cook it long enough to kill the bacteria. You're looking to get the flour to 160F. I use my favorite Thermapen instant-read thermometer to bank check this, but there are plenty of other adept options.

Baking Tip!

If the flour clumps a bit, be certain to sift it before use in the recipe.

Photo of the ingredients needed -- flour, sugars, butter, milk, salt, vanilla..

Now that your flour is safety to consume, it's time to make Edible Cookie Dough!

Here are the ingredients you lot'll need:

  • flour (heat-treated)
  • butter (room temperature, very soft)
  • light brown sugar
  • granulated saccharide
  • ocean table salt
  • milk (room temperature)
  • vanilla
  • mini chocolate fries (or other additions)

Fairly standard ingredients for a chocolate chip cookie recipe, except for i fundamental element that I think makes all the deviation: flakey body of water salt.

All cookie recipes have some salt in them to assistance cut the sweetness. I prefer to use flakey sea table salt vs regular table common salt, every bit I LOVE the contrast of those bounding main salt flakes with the sweet chocolate chips. It's literally mouth-watering. Feel free to use regular table salt if you don't have whatever sea table salt on manus, but utilize less of it (see recipe for info).

I generally recommend spooning and leveling your flour rather than scooping information technology, every bit this can greatly affect the quantity of flour you become, which can adversely affect the cease outcome (thick, dry out cookies).

The expert news is that since nosotros're not blistering this cookie dough, you don't need to be as precise, just you yet don't want the dough to exist overly flour heavy (for flavor and texture). I recommend only adding milk equally needed to get it to the consistency you like — you lot might not even demand to add whatever.

Details on the method are in the recipe below, only you lot pretty much follow a standard cookie recipe:

  1. Foam butter & sugars
  2. Add dry ingredients
  3. Add together milk (if needed)
  4. Fold in chocolate chips or other additions

I find it easiest to do this with a stand mixer (or paw mixer), simply you lot could totally do this past hand. I recommend that the butter be very soft so it's easier to comprise, regardless of whether y'all use a mixer or not.

If mixing by manus, you lot won't exist able to get the butter and sugars light and fluffy, only it doesn't really matter all that much.

Small portion for two people shown in a bowl.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a smaller batch?

I realize that not anybody wants/needs 18 servings of cookie dough around, so you can easily conform the Servings in the recipe below to go smaller proportions.
However, if you get too small a portion, the numbers can be a bit funny and hard to figure out, then I idea I'd include the amounts if you just wanted to make plenty for ii:

Cookie Dough for Ii:

  • 1/4 loving cup all-purpose flour (heat-treated)
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter (room temperature, very soft)
  • 2 Tbsp lite brown carbohydrate (packed)
  • 1 Tbsp  granulated sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 1/8 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 cups mini chocolate fries (or other additions)
  • 1 tsp milk (every bit needed)

Follow the instructions in the recipe at the lesser of the postal service.

Overhead shot of the cookie dough in a bowl with spoon off to the side.

Can I make Edible Cookie Dough from any cookie recipe?

As long as you lot supercede the eggs with milk (or use pasteurized eggs) and heat-treat your flour, you should be able to make well-nigh whatsoever cookie dough edible (unless in that location is some other questionable ingredient in in that location). Hither are some dandy ones to try equally edible cookie dough versions:

  • Oatmeal Chocolate Fleck Cookies
  • Dark Chocolate Butterscotch Cookies
  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Chocolate Dipped Gingerbread Cookies
  • Brown Butter Chocolate Fleck Cookies

Of grade, at that place is zilch improve than traditional chocolate flake cookie dough (or and then I thought, but read on). If you like, y'all tin easily replace (or add to) the mini chocolate chips. Hither are some fun ideas!

  • Mini grand&1000'due south – for an added processed crunch
  • Unicorn Morsels – super fun for kids or birthdays – great with a saccharide cookie dough
  • Semi-Sugariness Chunks – for serious chocolate lovers
  • Espresso Morsels – for coffee addicts – sign me up for some of these!
  • S'mores Fries – I must attempt to notice these!! Where can I get them in Canada??
  • Cinnamon Chips – would get so well with a gingerbread cookie dough!
  • Mint Chips – as well perfect for a night chocolate cookie dough
  • Try it with chopped nuts or toasted coconut!

I could go on, but I've clearly gone down rabbit hole of cookie dough additions, and accept added more to my cart than I intendance to admit. All are probable to get together dust in my pantry until I stumble across them 1 mean solar day, but similar the poor peanut butter chips.

Three bowls filled with chocolate chips, Reese's Pieces, and cookies n' creme chips.

In this edible cookie dough recipe hither today, I used:

  • Mini Chocolate Chips
  • Reese's Pieces
  • Cookies 'north' Creme Chips

Surprisingly (to me), the ones with the Reese's Pieces were my favorite by far.  Similar, landslide. They well surpassed the regular old mini chocolate fries. SO good! In my side by side batch, I'm using these only.

Three bowls of cookie dough each with different additions.

Can you bake Edible Cookie Dough?

Technically, you can (I tried information technology), but the cookies will not plough out right, since there is no leavening agent (baking soda) or eggs. I baked one cookie just to examination it out and come across — I baked it at 350 using a chilled ball of cookie dough.

The cookie didn't spread as much as I expected but also didn't really puff up at all. It turned out a flake greasy, dense, and flat.

And then, basically, I don't recommend information technology.

If you're desperate for some freshly baked cookies instead of edible cookie dough, you lot'd exist much better off just making a proper batch of cookie dough and storing that in the freezer in case of cookie emergencies.

Portioned balls of dough on a baking sheet ready for the freezer.

How practice you shop leftovers?

Edible cookie dough tin be stored for up to 1 week in the refrigerator or up to 3 months in the freezer.

The recipe below makes a large amount of cookie dough. I like information technology this fashion because I tin can portion it up and store it for later. I similar to use a small cookie scoop (two tsp) to portion the dough.

I then place all the little cookie dough balls on a sheet pan, and pop them into the fridge or freezer to firm up. One time firm, I transfer them all to a large Ziploc freezer handbag and keep them in the freezer. That way, I limit the corporeality that I eat. Or then I idea.

Turns out my favorite way to eat these is actually straight out of the freezer! I find room temperature cookie dough to be a piddling bit too sweet, and chilling information technology helps cut that down a chip. They are such a perfect texture, besides. House enough to seize with teeth into, but non something you lot'll break your teeth on.

If you haven't tried frozen cookie dough, do non miss out!!

Angled photo of cookie dough in a bowl

I hope you found this post helpful and will experiment with delicious options of edible cookie dough!

Tips for making Edible Cookie Dough

  • You lot must heat-care for your flour earlier use. See recipe and weblog mail for details.
  • If you lot want to employ eggs, be certain they are pasteurized. Use two eggs per recipe below, and leave out the milk.
  • If yous don't want to apply sea table salt, utilize 1 tsp regular salt instead.
  • See post higher up for details on how to make edible cookie dough for two.
  • The cookie dough volition last for upwardly to 1 week in the fridge and 3 months in the freezer.
  • I recommend portioning the cookie dough before freezing for ease of snacking/thawing. A cookie scoop volition work well for this.
  • The lack of eggs and baking soda will cause this dough to bake poorly. If you want baked cookies, I recommend using my favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe instead.
Edible cookie dough in a bowl.

Edible Cookie Dough

This easy edible cookie dough recipe is the perfect sweet treat! Eggless cookie dough with heat-treated flour makes it safe for everyone to eat!

Form Dessert

Cuisine American

Prep Time ten minutes

Melt Time 5 minutes

Total Fourth dimension 15 minutes

Servings 18 servings (3 Tbsp each)

Calories 319 kcal

  • 2 1/4 cup all-purpose flour heat-treated
  • 1 loving cup unsalted butter room temperature (very soft)
  • 1 cup low-cal brownish sugar packed
  • ane/2 loving cup granulated sugar
  • two tsp vanilla
  • 1 1/2 tsp sea salt or 1 tsp regular salt
  • 2 cups mini chocolate fries or other favorite addition
  • three Tbsp milk if needed

Heat-Treat the Flour:

  • Preheat oven to 350F and line a baking sheet with parchment. Spread flour evenly on baking canvass and bake for 5-10mins or until the flour reaches 160F. Cool completely, sift if needed.

Edible Cookie Dough:

  • Crush butter until creamy, add sugars and beat on high until stake and fluffy (two-3mins). Add vanilla and mix until combined.

  • Reduce speed to low and slowly add in flour and salt. Mix until well combined. Slowly add together in milk, 1 Tbsp at a time if needed, until desired consistency is reached. Fold in chocolate fries or other additions.

  • Portion with a cookie scoop if desired and chill or freeze. Serve room temperature or chilled.

Calories: 319 kcal Carbohydrates: 43 g Protein: 3 thou Fat: 15 g Saturated Fat: ix g Cholesterol: xxx mg Sodium: 214 mg Potassium: 39 mg Fiber: 1 1000 Sugar: 30 g Vitamin A: 364 IU Vitamin C: i mg Calcium: 42 mg Iron: 1 mg

The nutritional information and metric conversions are calculated automatically. I cannot guarantee the accurateness of this data. If this is important to you, please verify with your favorite diet calculator and/or metric conversion tool.

How To Make Edible Cake Batter,


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